

children & youth

Historically, WPC has had vibrant youth and children’s ministries. The years of Covid shut-down, our shift to hybrid worship, and a recent pastoral transition have all had an impact on how we minister to children and youth. As a church nestled within a community with many schools and a growing number of young families, we remain committed to walking alongside folks in this demographic and providing a warm, loving community that is attentive to the unique needs of children and youth.

At this time, children and youth are invited to attend worship with their families. Children’s bulletins / coloring pages are provided, and children’s messages are offered from the pulpit when appropriate. Youth are encouraged to share their gifts in worship by participating in music, scripture reading, and prayer. Opportunities for youth gatherings and mission projects are also offered seasonally.




  • Adults at WPC have engaged in Bible studies and topical classes over the years, as well as small groups that meet in homes for study and fellowship. As the pastoral transition unfolds, these programs will likely evolve and be renewed.

  • The Giving Garden is a wonderful way for adults at WPC to participate actively in the mission of the church.

  • Coffee Hour following our Sunday services is always well-attended and is a fun way to deepen our relationships with each other.

Band: Wall of Praise!

  • Our band is made up of congregation volunteers who practice together every Thursday night.

  • Do you have a musical talent you’re interest in sharing? We would love to have you. Please reach out to Pastor Haley at
